Thursday, November 12, 2009

Med.Cat Den

The Herbs:

Borage Leaves- These are to be chewed or eaten. Borage leaves are great for nursing queens as it helps increase their milk supply. They also bring down fevers.

Burdock Root- Medicine cats can chew these into a pulp that is applied to rat bites. Cures infection.

Catmint (Catnip)- This is the best remedy for greencough.

Chervil- The juice of the leaves can be used to treat infected wounds. Chewing the roots help with belly aches.

Cobweb- Cobweb stops bleeding.

Coltsfoot- The leaves can be chewed into a pulp, which is used for shortness of breath.

Comfrey- The fat black roots from this plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.

Dock- This plants leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches.

Dried Oak Leaves- These leaves are used to stop infection.

Feverfew- Cats can eat this that have a fever or the chills.

Goldenrod- A poultice of this is great for healing wounds.

Honey- Honey is great for soothing infections or throats of cats that have breathen in smoke.

Horsetail- The leaves are used to treat infected herbs. Usually chewed up and applied as a poultice.

Juniper Berries- These berries soothe bellyaches and help cats that are having trouble breathing.

Lavender- This cures fever.

Marigold- The leaves or petaks can be chewed into a pulp and applied to wounds, stop infections.

Mouse Bile- Soak a piece of moss in the bile and dap a little on a tick and if will fall off. Be sure to wash your paws thoroughly in water afterwards.

Poppy Seeds- These are fed to cats to help them sleep. Soothe cats that are suffering from shock or distress, not recommended for nursing queens.

Stinging Neetle- The seeds can be given to a cat who has swallowed posion. The leaves are applied to a wound to bring down swelling.

Tansy- Tansy is good for curing coughs, but most be eaten in small doses.

Thyme- This herb can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.

Watermint- This herb is usually chewed into a pulp and then fed to a cat suffering from a bellyache.

Wild Garlic- Rolling in a patch of wild garlic can help prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat bites.

Yarrow- The leaves of this plant can be made into a poultice and applird to scratches or wounds to expel posion.

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